Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015

Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015.
Newest About Nibiru:…
Nibiru – Planet X:…
Discovery Science

25 thoughts on “Nibiru Planet X : Pole Shift New Update 2015”

  1. december 2012 look out nibiru nothing happens august 2014 look out nibiru again still nothing september 2015 nibiru a plate of nothing with a drink of nothing 2032 i promise this time nibiru will come nibiru goes and cries in a corner

  2. you have discovery and science in your name and yet you talk about nibiru as if it was real the only discovery here is that you shamelessly promote this nonsense in spite of all the science i m shocked that you didn t add to the fraud by invoking edward snowden and claim he was revealing documents that proved the govt is covering up the truth about nibiru you d sucker many more of us to click on your videos that s your only goal appropriate so how is it that you missed that one

  3. excellent video i find very interesting how you are tying this match to the predictions of edgar cayce and nostrodomus as their predictions are what caused me to start looking at the world in a different light as in the rose colored glasses or the veil was lifted these events are also found in the bible quite amazing i find your videos very informative with no fluff and i m extremely satisfied to see you have included scientific professionals testimony in addition those who are still skeptical on this subject are unreachable the evidence is in our face totally undeniable i ve taken pictures myself that are without a doubt of an object that shouldn t be in our skies thank you for your hard work in trying to educate and warn the world marshall you should be commended

  4. 14 30 better advice failure to understand the math behind the solar gadget means failure to understand how the solar gadget works mathematically here is shown to be a farce why is this regurgitated i was clicking around watching other scientific doctors on discovery science and saw this one this should be removed unless this channel is for conspiracy loons

  5. an infrared image wouldn t reveal a filth tail idiotic conspiracy stories work on so many phases they generate a multi billion buck set of markets distract from the real political and economic conspiracies going on and of path feed into the delusional world of religion which reinforces the feedback loop of stupidity and ignorance

  6. pole shift isiah 13 10 reads the stars will not show their light the skies will be dark the sun will grow dark as it rises and the moon will not give its light then is 34 4 reads the sun moon and stars will dissolve and the sky will be rolled up like a scroll the stars will fall like dead leaves from a vine or dried up figs from a fig tree we see this same language at the breaking of the sixth seal of revelation 6 13 14 because it it where it gets fulfilled and the stars in the sky fell to the earth like figs falling from a fig tree when the wind blows the sky disappeared as a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and island was moved from its place is 24 23 tells us about the sun and the moon the moon will be embarrassed and the sun will be ashamed because the lord all powerful will rule as king on mount zion in jerusalem jerusalem s leaders will see his greatness joel 2 31 reads the sun will turn into dark the moon red as blood ahead of the overwhelming and terrible day of the lord comes

  7. comet planet charged with cosmic energy what would not follow established celestial ideas neatly then perhaps shocker it doesn t exist and here is conspiracy theorist bs letting you know that i am actually a christian

  8. so who is telling you the absolute truth i firmly trust that the lord jesus christ is the eternal son of god who spoke all things into being we are not separated from our larger selves we are separated from god because we are all sinners god s plan from ahead of the foundation of this world was to send his son who knew no sin to turn into the sins of the world even more he became the thing that makes us sin and nailed it to his cross then took those sins to hell and left them there a christian is a saved sinner who has accepted the full payment that christ made on the cross when a saved sinner dies they leave their body and sins behind but when an unsaved person dies they leave their body and take their sins with them to hell forever because there is no other place fit for them to exist if you go to hell you will have sent yourself there for rejecting the payment that your loving saviour made somebody is lying and its not the lord jesus the open door will soon be shut then comes sudden destruction just like the great flood in noah s time and sodom and gomorrah in lot s time like the thief on the cross trust on the lord jesus christ and thou shalt be saved your excellent works church membership or masonic stage won t get you in

  9. but wasn t nibiru supposed to be here in 2012 then everybody acknowledged by mid june of 2013 then they revised it to march 2014 now i wager the grand arrival date has been revised yet again to fit somewhere in late 2015 what s next 2016 2017 2025 or how about 2050 skeptical about all this silliness now nibiru looks like another fictitious fraud whipped up by a bunch of greedy youtuber s who generate earnings off video views there s nothing else to this is there at least on my channel i have real ufo photos nibiru is a fraud

  10. lmfao what took place to 2006 20010 and 2012 each time the time passes you wackos preserve changing it to a year or so later again lmfao you are turkey pathetic

  11. same old crap this delusional planet nonsense keeps getting a new end of the world date sign of a sad delusion preserve predicting the same match even when the ultimate and the ultimate and the ultimate predictions were all wrong

  12. all of this generated by a con man named zachariah sitchin who wrote fiction books and had a bachelors stage in economics yet got of us to trust that he was an ancient language expert yet never debated a real credentialed language expert and all the while claiming he knew there was a nibiru which actually was jupiter in sumerian thought on its way to kill us all and drive things to the stone age but they say a sucker is born every second wager those who trust this shit deserve to be bilked out of the whole thing the own lol

  13. the reason i find planet x so interesting is because i remember being told of a new 10th planet being realized named planet x this was around the early 2000 s then the topic vanished at once as if it was buried overnight now i come to find out it has been known for a while

  14. i noticed the double sun over two years ago initiating in july 2013 i imagined it to be a massive asteroid with at least two in gravitational tow i had no idea it was another solar system with at least four planets intersecting ours it s like a war of the solar systems and we re going to lose i am not a professional scientist but i have read a lot that other scientists have published i am not stealing there ideas with our thoughts but you know that the acquisition of knowledge is cumulative and that we learn most of what we know from others we stand on the shoulders of giants the most important things i ve learned relate to differentiating useful from useless or non acceptable knowledge understood to be information for which we perceive no immediate need i want to state to you that hard times are coming many scientists are predicting will be he worst in human history and may result in the nearly instantaneous death for hundreds of millions maybe for billions for those who want to have any hope of survival you must head for high ground very soon ahead of there isn t any left you must be prepared to live underground for at least one year and have adequate food water water filtration and purification tools medicines and supplies to include weapons and ammo as well if the worst of times comes do not worry the end will come quickly for most and not much later for the rest there have been warnings for years in science programs nova science and movies deep impact book of eli a fire in the sky meteor asteroid doomsday rock meteorites melancholia very boring and aimless until the end when it all comes together well and a few lesser known the warnings have been all over the place and they have been plentiful it was airways intended that the wealthy elite and well prepared should survive no one will admit it but we have all heard the darwinian phrase survival of the fittest let s see if its correct a deep cave in a mountain would be ideal otherwise reconcile yourself to god

  15. so is the brown dwarf also coming with nibiru or is just nibiru orbiting the two binary stars our sun and red dwarf g1 9 or if it is a brown dwarf goal i thought i understood then watching some other videos i wager some disinformation has gotten me confused goal would not the dwarf just orbit the two binary stars or is this whole little solar system moving together then we should actually be worried with all that magnetism on just us from all 7 or 10 objects flying by this must of been the wheel within wheels ezekiel was prophecsizing about

  16. when it s are time to come it s are time to die god says that the earth will be destroyed by fire so is this going to destroyed earth by fire because it s going back around the sun in 2023 and we will see it again when it will hit earth so is it going to be the end of earth in 2023 now contemplate that

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