Life After 2016 Planet X Nibiru Cataclysm 2015

What will life be like on Planet Earth after the supposed 2016 Nibiru / Planet X Cataclysm ?How can we know where this Nibiru is in 2015 ? And if planet x is coming in 2016 ? By Subscribing to this channel will keep you upto date on the latest events.

Analyzing the Solar Dwarf Twin – or "Nibiru", "Planet X", Red Star Kachina, Nemesis, the Destoyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, the Winged Disc .

8 thoughts on “Life After 2016 Planet X Nibiru Cataclysm 2015”

  1. earth will look no different the only thing that will be different is the date that this planet will arrive lets see 09 11 and the massive one 12 21 2012 and still nothing now its 16 cross on of us its not going to happen also quit telling us when jesus will arrive you or no one knows that date it says so in the bible brother

  2. was it not prophesied that the generation that even handed jerusalem united would surely see the coming of christ not israel becoming a nation correct me if i m wrong

  3. good stuff listen 1 get saved if not and don t allow any mark to go on you appropriate hand or forehead that you can t buy sell or swap without

  4. there is only one way and that is through jesus yashaya please accept christ into your heart and repent of your sins admit that you are a sinner and do the whole thing you have within yourself to turn far from those sins jesus yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him he sacrificed himself for all of us of path its not always easy ephesians 6 12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high areas accecpt the way of the light grow your faith in christ stand in your faith these are the ultimate days and we must fight for our souls love you all god bless and would possibly he have favor with us all

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