IKTTOTW: Planet X Nibiru 500 Days Until Climate Chaos!!

What were they trying to tell us was going to happen?

22 thoughts on “IKTTOTW: Planet X Nibiru 500 Days Until Climate Chaos!!”

  1. yo also note how kerry quickly jerks his shoulders back and hides cuffs his hands behind he then realizes the error of the pose but cannot hide the shame on us lip this is indeed an very excellent production and presentation in that it slices through a thousand off the wall predictors guesses and coincides with various prophecies tx incidentally mophie spent a reported 4 64 million to air this ad although the company gross is only 10 20 mill interestingly though mophie is a subsidiary of another company whose gross is reported as 1 million year and whose working officers names are not available

  2. just look what i found the meaning of number 848 8 48 is on clock alarm number 848 would possibly indicate that an important section of your existence is about to come to an end

  3. excellent informative vid as usual from this channel first time i ve considered that add as i dont watch tv at all they do seem to be subtle indirect warnings just as they did ahead of 9 11 great work my friend i hope adequate of us survive to counter these psychopaths when its over see you on the back aspect

  4. i thought i had more time got get purchasing survil equpment and moving to the high grounds how about you are you going to strive to live to tell the tale goal i think your a very very good person and you should live ot assist rebuild and rebel against the elites who will be emerging to control us

  5. remember the fema ad with gravity loss be taught all the themes of new movies and such mass death even a blind man might tell you what s going on also hearing alot of focus on economic cave in on msm but don t concern the h cliton is running

  6. planet x and system are controlled my understanding is that we have eight years it would not seem like it but this is what i had been told spiritually and that is usually correct data nonetheless some impacts would possibly elevate to the point that the govs will have to announce something it would possibly only be spin whatever is said most of the population will not trust it or react the system is brighter every week perhaps this will get noticed and something accurate will be said

  7. how in the hell do you prepare for this it doesn t look too very very excellent for those folks hiding in the d u m b s either and like you acknowledged y2k elenin 12 21 12 etc

  8. i have a question when and where did you see that ad was it a one time ad or is it ongoing they have to tell us ahead of hand what they have planned for us it is up to us to hear they have to abide by god s rules and they know for a truth that there is a solar system lyiing within our own i ve been watching it for a couple of years now and have tracked the movement of the system around the sun the system doesn t abide by physics as we comprehend it

  9. there only one objet thats coming and that in 100 years been watching with my old dad with his skilled telescope and this objet looks like a planet with moons but there nothing to worry about the only thing is that what ever it is look huge and when i mean huge is huge from far looks really hot too that how its hard to see there own moons following it looks like it has two tail like a v shape not to sure and its always in one place its not moving left or right because its coming to us so i hope in 100 years they can do something and if not then cod be with us because this thing look really huge then you study the earth size thats when perhaps some comet will 100 hit us for sure

  10. the bridegroom yeshua will not appoint his bride or his body to wrath i don t plan on being here if here is what will happen the rapture mimics the jewish wedding true believers will be in the chamber during the 7 year tribulation consummating the marriage peace to all and god bless ps btw it s soul not sole

  11. warning yes i totally agree the press conference and the commercial are doubtlessly the only warnings we will get and i also agree with concern to the look on john kerrys face something massive

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