15 TFR – Revolutionary Radio Project with Douglas Elwell: Planet X

In this episode, I interviewed author Douglas Elwell about his book, "Planet X: The Sign of the Son of Man and the End of the Age."

24 thoughts on “15 TFR – Revolutionary Radio Project with Douglas Elwell: Planet X”

  1. this guy is clearly speaking from a characteristic of whole and total ignorance in regard to the geocentric model to be this dismissive of the topic proves his own ignorance i m not 100 sold on the geocentric model but there is indeed some sound evidence pointing to its validity

  2. zechariah sitchin actually howbout coming into something that actually matters like shedding the book that was given yo us by the roman empite and getting back to the holy spirit for real truth and figuring out rob that s what the holy spirit s been making an strive to tell you you need to focus the radar of discernment on the bible

  3. call me whatever childish name you choose skiba i had been a licensed ordained minister for over 25 years and i had been called much worse by you pharisee s i had been making an strive to tell you these truths in personal and you have rejected this council so be it i will now expose your lies to the church this i know the law of the spirit of existence in christ jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death

  4. skiba by attempting to prepare the old mosaic ideas you have brought a curse upon your whole family would possibly yahuwah forgive you and deliver you from this curse of the law

  5. i simply cannot trust anybody from rob skiba hasn t caught on yet to youtube s crrow777 and his capture of the lunar waves which rob should go to interview this man asap the moon would possibly be a hologram crrow777 is a must watch because he has found something really profound happening on the moon verified and captured by several others around the world as neatly here is massive trust me it s profound and simply cannot be missed

  6. you hear the words of moses and try to obey them why will you not hear the words of yeshua and obey him although moses prophesied of his coming and commanded that you harken into him deuteronomy 18 15 kjv the lord thy god will carry up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee of thy brethren like unto me unto him ye shall hearken it is yeshua s words and his commands you must harken unto and preserve not the words of moses by the grace of yahuwah we now have a new and better covenant through yeshua hamashiach why do you cleave to moses and reject yeshua s words and commandments

  7. my brain gets actually satisfied thankful filled with praise when finding out new stuff about god s plan this interview along with your examine is like being let in on the secret d it s great to be paying attention in the final hours a lot to contemplate thanks

  8. 1 cor 11 1 has paul begging you to follow him as he follows yeshua says nothing about anyone following the old mosaic law in truth acts 15 24 says no such command was ever given disclose me where yeshua ever commanded us to follow moses and i will buy you book and join your cult in the mean time i have no more time for the nonsense of a pharisee

  9. rob would there be anyway you might co host a reveal with zen garcia and you to interview jim vieira and his brother from the lost giants tv series also it would be kewl to see you guys swap information and debate with steve quayle and la marzuli havent messaged you in a couple years my phone died that had your email so im making an strive this way lol

  10. shalom rob we re jewish aka the tribe of yahudah which i trust a particular lion belongs too only 1 of 12 tribes of israel gen 49 1 james 1 1 i would like to inspire you in the most ancient of paths that you have chosen the tov way that is referred to in jeremiah 6 16 and later quoted by that particular lion rather sheepishly in matthew 11 28 and have actually said yes i will walk in it and find rest for my soul because as the rabbi says in john 4 22 you gentiles worship what you know not we know what we worship for salvation is of the jews i can say as one who know what he worships you rob also now know what you worship you not only have in your possession the song of the lamb eternal salvation but you now also have the song of moshe daily salvation rev 15 3 six days 6 24 hr time classes you shall work and do all your work well done rob well done heb 11 6 but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that comes to elohim must trust that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you have chosen wisely my son malachi 4 6 much torah ahava nic and keren rev12 17

  11. i have always had a strange feeling that this world was in a loop it starts and ends and starts and ends the planets in our solar gadget preserve circling initiating to end like a racetrack so to discuss you start and finish at the same spot

  12. next nonsense about the long day of joshua if the earths crust started rotating synchronous to the sun then i would suggest that most of us would have fallen to the ground from the immense acceleration not to mention the devastation of the air turbulence the shock etc and then to stop following the sun as suddenly as it started would mean another routine of devastation i do not think that anyone in both armies would be up for fight rather they all would be on the ground holding on for dear existence and what precision of the mass of asteroids perspective and location to hit the earth to spin the crust would be necessary i mean web developers are no excellent for anything but html php and javascript that is all ah traditional

  13. 26 10 when st augustine explains genesis rotation of light spread as yet over half of heaven started after division of light from darkness day 1 day 4 was when god replaced the half heaven light with sun

  14. there is no lower solid of developers of stuff for computers than web developers and all they do in my experience is make mess of things yhwh forbid that one of them should get into a serious project anyhow if the sky now is blue it would not necessarily mean that it has always been blue if the canopy theory turns out to be true then is it possible that the canopy was making the sky looks green if the electric sun theory is true that that means that in the past the sun might had been lighting with greenish light to mention but two probabilities

  15. 1 john 2 1 2 4 5 kjv my little children these things write i unto you that ye sin not and if any man sin we have an indicate with the father jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world he that saith i know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of god perfected hereby know we that we are in him the words and commandments this verse is referring to are the words and commandments of yeshua not moses yeshua never commanded us to be circumcised or preserve the old mosaic law if he had his apostles would have told us so on truth they rebuked the pharisee s who were announcing this and told us the opposite

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