Comments on: Nibiru is coming 2015 Strange events!! Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:39:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: iamhole Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 what took place to niburu passing close by in aug 2014 your all filled with shite total crap ive been following this for practically 2 years now and every month you lot announce its coming soon what a total pile of pointless rubbish its not there never been there it only exists in your imaginations you wish it was happening tomorrow tomorrow forever tomorrow

By: phil collins Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 i hope that motherfucker displays up eventually

By: BOT Nick Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 the amount of gravity it would take to pull a planet of that size even close to us is not newest if it was we would ve already been sucked into the sun

By: Tomas Andersen Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 shift ur focus in opposition to the real evil that is the goal of all you see in this video and no it s not nibiru

By: Brian K Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 really what took place to nibiru passing earth in december 2014 more bullshit fear porn

By: nivanett Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 nibiru and the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of god and from his vitality and no one could enter the temple except the seven plagues of the seven angels revelation 15 8

By: Super Cancer Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 nick mercer it is coming and yes it has gone on for a while but all we can do is speculate the year of passing since we don t have control of the hubble or any other telescope the ones in vitality know when it will come and it must be soon because they are panicking and acting franticly but all we know is that is will be here within the next couple few years it s a excellent thing because most of mankind is just ruining earth like selfish little shits while every other species on this planet has to suffer for the ego of one species we will not be totally destroyed but we will be thrown back to more natural living and hopefully go back to being peaceful of path if the world leaders live to tell the tale then that could not be possible the christians talk about christ coming and doing all these things and how the world will be like the times of noah and the flood again this is just what nibiru is going to do not jesus if something is going to save mankind it will be our ancestors and gods the anunnaki

By: ame eternel Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 que vous y croyez ou pas notre monde et sur le point de changer finis l argent fini l ego fini le pouvoir qui laissera place a l amour et la lumi re afin de retrouver notre sense of appropriate and wrong universelle et ceux qui ne seront pas pr s quelle dommage pour eux leur argent ne les sauvera pas et je remercie tous ceux qui on donner leur vie pour d voiler la vrai v rit sur toutes c est chose incroyable de notre monde gouverner par des tre sans scrupule je pense que qu il nous peut d ann e maintenant avec nibiru qui sera bient t a notre porte avec le changement brusque des toiles sirius et arcturus qui ne sont plus comme d habitude si vous avais un t lescope regarder sirius en bas a gauche de la constellation d orion a 22h20 plein sud a 8 ann es lumi re et arcturus plein est a 22h30 a 32 ann es lumi re de nous c est deux toiles sont en remplie de mille feu de toute les couleurs en fusion ceci veut dire qu un grand changement dans notre galaxie ce profile a horizon par contre il salisse le ciel la nuit pour nous cacher cela et le jour aussi pour cacher l arriver de nibiru que je voie depuis janvier 2015 et depuis je pense a tous les enfants de la terre qui ne comprendrons pas le jour j observer et vous comprendre ma d tresse a ce sujet parce que ces deux toiles sont tr s proche de nous et pour ce qui est des reptiliens il sont bien r el observer la t l sans le sons et vous verrez parfois c est tr s choquant merci de m avoir lu mes fr res et s ur de lumi re et je vous envoie plein d amour et de lumi re dans vos c ur

By: martin manifold Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 there once was a venerated muslim scholar and polymath called al biruni there wasnt much this man didnt know who was you archetypical persian magi a wise man x1 biruni being an anagram of nibiru perhaps nibiru is a universal code word for getting understand perhaps not a clash of planets but a coming together of two worlds or doubling your information a sort of quickening if you like similar to the two suns legend dont let religious or racial concerns grasp you back go qnd study all other sacred texts and their scholars god put information code and surprizes in every holy script

By: J Davis Tue, 21 Apr 2015 16:33:26 +0000 what took place to dec 2014 can we expect updates each year from now on
